An open letter to Annie


I’m so sorry for what happened. Somehow, the electorate decided that it was okay to strip away your dignity and rights and set your future back a few years, and there wasn’t a damned thing I could do about it.

I’ve already started to act in hopes that it might not happen again. When others admit they voted Trump, I demand they apologize to you, and to their own wives, daughters, and sisters. I’m going to be busy, apparently, because it seems that half the country has lost their fucking mind.

We have four years to get this psychotic ass-clown out of office, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make it so. I’m hoping he digs his own grave, but I’m not going to count on that. I’m gathering strength and making a plan – a plan to protest, to support opposing candidates and views and organizations, and a plan to vote against him and his hatred and insanity at every opportunity.

In the meantime, continue to do what you do. Choose your path and get your dignity from your own abilities and strength, not some idiot’s idea of your looks. Defend yourself when faced with anyone who makes you feel like you’re less than them, and know that I’ve got your back. Nobody can make you any less than what you are.

You didn’t get a choice in this election, and you’ll be just shy of being able to in the next one. But you do have the chance to let your voice be heard. Speak up and speak out for your future. Support the people around you who are now going to need your help – other women, immigrants, minorities. Be their voice, or add your voice to theirs. Continue to kick ass and take names. If you want help, just ask. I’m there.



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