We’re not worthy

random_detailI’m struggling right now with ideas worthy of a whole blog post, but I’m determined to write something at least weekly. I’ve got lots of ideas, but a lot of them I’m pretty uncertain about, or can’t seem to flesh them out beyond a single statement. Since that’s all I seem to have this week, here are a few:

  • The joys of the unplanned holiday weekend – I always forget the sort of “long weekend” holidays like Memorial Day, MLK Jr. Day, President’s Day, Labor Day, and the like, probably because I’ve worked for many different companies that take various combinations of them off, with no two the same. The weekend itself tends to be less exciting for me than the four-day week that follows, since I don’t like to ride my motorcycle on holiday weekends because of the high stupid quotient. I end up catching up on household to-dos.
  • Life isn’t so much a miracle as it is a default, at least on this planet – look around you. Life is pretty much everywhere, even in places that would seem completely inhospitable to it.
  • How I became a morning person by mistake – I get up nearly every morning at 5:30AM because it’s the only time of day I have to get in a workout that the gym isn’t packed, and I hate a busy gym. Now I can’t sleep much past 7:30AM.
  • Alternate universes and theories of possibility – There are philosophies that believe in the idea that an alternate universe exists for every decision point. While I’m not going to say this is false, it seems more like a methodology for exploring outcomes than a reality. It also puts far too much emphasis on one species on one planet.
  • Why infinity isn’t really that complex of an idea – Okay, so while dealing with the infinite is mathematically complex, and hard to grasp on the whole, the idea that the universe is infinite seems to me to be almost a given. Or if the universe has boundaries, then there’s something beyond it. We’ve created this idea
    that everything has to be bound, but in my mind, it makes more sense that it never stops.
  • The ups and downs of living in a solar system with nearby inhabited planets – I was thinking about the idea of what it would be like to live in a solar system with other planets that supported sentient life. Initially, I thought it would advance space travel technology very quickly. Then I realized that if we were one of the sentient life forms, it would probably mean advancing interplanetary weapons technology very quickly. Also, it would be likely that one life form would advance more quickly than the other, and wouldn’t it suck to be on the less-advanced planet?

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