9 tips to make your next return to work much easier!

If you’re like me, you’re coming back to work today after four days off. (Unlike me, you may have had to do the crazy family thing in there. I had Thanksgiving a week early this year.) Coming back to work after a break, even a short one, can seem daunting. We all know the stress of the crazy first day back at work! It can seem like you never had a break at all, killing off all those great relaxing vibes you had. Here are a few tips to make coming back not so bad next time:

  1. Get ahead. That last day before a holiday when there’s nearly nobody in the office? Don’t take that day off, and don’t leave early. Use that quiet time to get ahead of schedule, or at least caught up so that your return day isn’t so nutballs.
  2. Get some help. If you have a team, delegate whatever you can. If you don’t, ask people to take on stuff that can’t wait while you’re gone.
  3. Let people know. Make sure to turn on your out of office messages on email. Outlook and Gmail will let you schedule these in advance! If voicemail is a thing for you, make sure to do that, too.
  4. Before you clear out, clear out! It’s much easier to come back to a clean, organized desk so you can find what you need!
  5. Unplug. Let your break be a break. I actually remove work apps from my phone during vacations. Shorter breaks, just shut off notifications.
  6. Get some sleep. It’s not unusual to find yourself up late with the fam or just watching a movie or TV during your time off. For at least two nights prior to returning to work, try to get eight straight.
  7. Get some exercise. Exercise will help you sleep, and keep you rested and happy while you’re off. It’s also a great release from family tensions, if you have those. “I’m going to the gym, be back soon!”
  8. Watch the booze. I don’t drink, but I’ve got nothing against it. If you do, be aware of your intake, since alcohol will keep you from getting into the deeper stages of sleep. Also, let’s face it – going to work hungover won’t make that first day any less crazy. It will just make you feel like shit while you’re dealing with it.
  9. Get ready. The evening before you go back, lay out the clothes you’re going to wear to work. Pack your lunch. If you’re a gym-goer, make sure you have what you need for your workout, and throw a fresh towel in your gym bag. Make sure there’s gas in your car or you have money for your commute.
We all know the stress of the crazy first day back at work! It's like you never had a break at all! A few tips to make coming back easier. Click To Tweet

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