Alison wants more out of life!

At one time, I ran a blog called Fitterverse: A universe of fitness. One of my favorite features of that blog was an interview series I did with a variety of people at different stages in their fitness journey. Thanks to the Wayback Machine, I’ve been able to recapture the text of those interviews. I’ve published them here on their original publication dates. 

1174563_10201628215454645_1351263364_nAlison lives in central New Hampshire. She submitted her interview via email.

Hi, I am Alison. I am 42 years old. I am asthmatic. I have hypothyroidism, part of my thyroid has been destroyed. I also have high cholesterol, (Thanks genetics!) recently I found out that I have a gluten sensitivity, and according to my doctor I am obese.

FV: What made you start your fitness program?

AM: I must get healthy! I was tired of feeling tired all the time, not liking the way I look in the mirror and being on medication. I really don’t like feeling my age. For most people that would be fine, but  I have always been a very high-energy, always on-the-go person; as I age I am slowing down and there is still so much more life to live and things to do. I really want my clothes to fit better, not be so tight. I would love to be a thin girl again, but knowing my age I have no misconceptions of what is a healthy weight and look. I just want to be the best person I can be, and not make excuses.

FV: What are your goals? Are you measuring progress? How? Have you made any progress? If so, what?

AM: I measure progress by how my clothes feel, then how I feel, then what the scale says. I have made some progress. Of course, not as much as I would like! Sometimes life gets in the way of my schedule and I don’t get to work out for as long as I want or I need to change what I was planning on doing. I also feel I can measure my progress by being able to do an exercise for more reps or using a heavier weight. I have dropped 2 pants sizes. I did gain some back but 2 pants sizes in about 9 months is great in my book. I have gone from a large size shirt to a medium.

FV: How long have you been working out? On your current program?

AM: I have been working out for a little more than a year. With that being said, I tend to work out less in the summer. I just want to be outside with my family more. The winter in New England can be tricky getting to the gym. If the roads are bad then I don’t feel I need to be on them. I went skiing last year and was reminded how much I loved it and it is a great work out! I also bought snowshoes. So this winter I will be ready to tackle the snow. This summer I want to try kayaking and do more hiking with our dog.

My current program is to work out with a trainer at my gym one day a week for a ½ hour session, to use the weight machines at the gym one day a week, to run one day a week and for the other 4 days to use my P90X at home. The P90X are longer routines, so I split them into ½ hour to 45-minute sessions. I did just buy Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman so I can start better eating plan. I am currently a member of Weight Watchers but they use a lot of  whole grains, which with my gluten sensitivity makes it more difficult. I really do not want to get into the habit of eating gluten-free processed foods.

FV: Do you use any tools? Apps? Which ones?

AM: I follow the Weight Watchers program and use their phone app. I also use the Map My Walk app so I can track the doggie walks everyday. I also use Couch to 5K for my jogs. Advice to joggers: run outside if you can, going from a treadmill to an actual race was a shocker for my legs and lungs!

FV: What do you find difficult?

AM: I find I have to work out everyday. If I give myself a day off then that leads to another day of excuses not to work out. I do give myself Sundays off every week though. Food is a big crutch for me. I LOVE pizza and cheeseburgers. I have switched the hamburger to turkey burgers. Every once in a while I will treat myself to a hamburger, but I try to get sliders or I eat only half the burger if I am at a restaurant.  I try to either have plain cheese pizza or cheese pizza with turkey pepperoni and I try to have it only once every two weeks.  Since I have a newly discovered gluten sensitivity it is making eating more challenging.

FV: What do you enjoy most?

AM:  The best feeling is the feeling and seeing the results of working out and eating better. I just love the way my body feels after a good workout. I like the “sore next day” feeling, with that I know I worked my body out good. I need that sense of accomplishment.

FV: Do you have any advice for people who want to start a program like yours?

AM: Advice — stick to it. Don’t give up on yourself. If you do eat bad or don’t work out, remember to be kind to yourself, tomorrow is another day and you can get right back on the wagon. Surround yourself with positive people, people who also want you to success with any of your dreams.

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