As one thing ends, another begins

infiniteI’m actually sitting here in the chemo suite, writing. I’ve worked like a dog today, crafting presentations, taking conference calls, writing some interview questions for a study I’m doing. But this is the last time. (knock on wood)

I’ve gotta take a second here, however, and give a shout out to Moe’s. We try to give a little something to the chemo nurses every time we’re here, and Suzanne had joked on Twitter how cool it would be if Moe’s delivered to the chemo suite. They actually hit her back and said that they catered. Making a long story short, Moe’s provided catered complimentary lunch for the chemo suite nurses. Moe’s was truly awesome.

So what’s next? Dr. Dubovsky tells me that before I start radiation, I need another PET scan, and he’d like to delay radiation until after I get one.