Changing our reactions

I was doing my morning article feed reading and came across this piece about Laverne Cox and her commencement speech at Pitzer College, and I discovered this quote:

“What I’ve learned about myself when I feel defensive, when I have that feeling, is that I have to get curious,” said Cox during her commencement speech at Pitzer College this past weekend. “Because if I feel defensive, something is going on.”

Think about that for a moment. When you read something online and you immediately feel defensive, what do you usually do? If you’re like most of us, you either stop reading and close the browser, or if you finish it, it’s with a “yeah, right” sort of snark in your mind.

When you feel defensive about something you read or has been said, get curious. Only in understanding will we get beyond division. Click To Tweet

This is part of what has brought us to where we are as a country divided. We don’t stop to consider how the other side is thinking, or their motives. I’m not saying we should seek agreement, but we should seek understanding. Next time you feel defensive about something you read, or something that’s been said, get curious. Stop and consider why the writer or speaker thinks the way they do. Figure out their motives. If you can, ask questions. It’s only in understanding that we’ll get beyond our divisions.

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