Immerse yourself

Yesterday, we rode the motorcycle out to Gibbs Gardens.

What I was expecting was a short motorcycle ride, followed by a relaxing afternoon strolling through some beautiful formal gardens. It was a place we had passed by on the bike many times, and I had decided that since we had an unexpected few hours, that we should go check it out.

We obviously weren’t the only people who made that decision, as it was quite crowded. What struck me, however, was the sheer number of people who had come simply for the social media photo opportunity. You could hardly set a foot down in the more popular areas without stepping into someone’s Instagram feed. The longer we were there, and the more of it we saw, the happier I was that I had forgotten my camera.

I make my living in part on social media, so I certainly understand content creation, and the value of that beautiful photo.

What I also understand is that viewing the world through a lens changes your perspective of that world, and you’re missing out on the immersive experience.

Viewing the world through a lens changes your perspective. You're missing out on the immersive experience. Click To Tweet

I see this often at concerts, too – endless people holding their phones in the air to capture the fact they were there. Admittedly, I take one selfie at every show, but that’s become more of a joke between my daughter and I than anything serious. We actually call it “the obligatory concert selfie.” Once the show starts, the phones go away.

Don’t lose the opportunity to immerse yourself fully in an experience for the purpose of optimizing your social media.

Enjoy the show.

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