Living from a suitcase

For what seems the most brief of moments, I’m home. The past week and the next couple promise to be a bit crazy.Hig-End-font-b-Genuine-b-font-font-b-Leather-b-font-Business-Commercial-font-b

Mostly, I did it to myself, since I have decent control over my travel schedule. Some of it I didn’t, however, but it’s still part of the job. I also scheduled a visit with my nephew this past weekend. In fact, he’s still here – I’m dropping him at the airport in a few hours. And while I enjoyed having him around, it’s one more stressor – something more to do.

I leave again tomorrow morning.

Business travel is not glamorous. Yes, you end up in some interesting cities, but as I told Suzanne on the phone last week: “I’m not in New Orleans. I’m at the Hilton. The Hilton happens to be in New Orleans.” But sometimes the worst of it is the unsettled feeling when you’re home for short spurts, and you don’t even fully unpack because you’re just leaving again in a couple days. For example, I had to pull my laptop out of my briefcase to write this post. My traveling bag isn’t back in the closet, since I’m just going to fill it up again tonight.

Is there a point to this post? Probably nothing more than the feeling that my life is a little frenetic right now, and there’s little end in sight.

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