
iStock_000006289456_SmallSo yesterday was biopsy day, not really much to report. Got to the hospital at 5:45AM, went through admissions and pre-op. Got wheeled into surgery and knocked out.

Woke up from anesthesia, didn’t really hurt as badly as I had expected. Was really nauseated, though, and that didn’t go away until pretty late, like 9-ish.

Watched Richard III last night, 1995 edition with Ian McKellen. Not a bad version, but I think they took the Hitler imagery a little too far.

Did I mention that Dr. Phil Robb, my ENT, is awesome? He did the biopsy surgery and did my follow up at his office this morning at 10:00AM on his way to the gym. Yes, a doctor who voluntarily offers to see you on a Saturday. I can’t say enough good about this dude.