Thank your local working stiff

While you’re sucking down beers and barbecue with reckless abandon, take time to thank your local working stiff who doesn’t have today off.

While you're sucking down beers and barbecue with reckless abandon, take time to thank your local working stiff who doesn't have today off. Click To Tweet

If you’re the shopping type who likes to hit the Labor Day sales, take a minute to appreciate the person behind the counter or who is helping you find the one thing you came to buy.

If you’re on the highway and get a flat, thank the roadside assistance person you called to change your tire, or the tow truck driver who hauls off your car, or the cop who directs traffic so you don’t die of someone else being blind or stupid.

If you’re a traveler, thank the gate agent and the baggage handlers at the airport, or the person in the convenience store where you buy your gas.

It’s ironic that these folks don’t have the day off, because this day is to celebrate them, the American workers who keep things running every single day. They may not be able to take the day off, but you can show your appreciation. Thank them. Tip them well. If they’re working outdoors, drop them a cold drink. Help them celebrate the day that’s about them.

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