The brain you have reached is temporarily disconnected

I didn’t sleep particularly well last night, but I’ve had nights like that before, and they haven’t resulted in days like these.

I can’t find my ass with both hands and a map.

5 minutes ago, I got up, wrote something on our family calendar, decided I needed to do something, and promptly forgot what it was. Going back through the motions resulted in… nothing.

I asked Suzanne if she wanted me to make her something for lunch three times. The third time I said to her “I know I’ve asked you this twice, but do you want me to make you something to eat?” I did manage to get her lunch made, but only by taking out the food and dividing it into two piles immediately after asking her that question.

Every time I try to speak this morning, the words come out simply wrong, or as a garbled mess.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was having a stroke, but lack of brain function seems to be my only issue.

I was terrified about writing this blog post – that I’d sit down at the computer and just freeze, forgetting what I was doing here in the first place. Or that I’d just lose every idea I’d ever had for this blog.

Is this what getting older is like? Please tell me “no.” If I have to go through endless days like this for years at a time, I might not make it.

I'm not a functional human being today. Is this what getting older is like? Please tell me "no." If I have to go through endless days like this for years at a time, I might not make it. Click To Tweet

Tune in tomorrow to find out if I’ve become a fully functional human again, because at this very moment, I simply am not.

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