The incredible shrinking meatball

Happened to look in the mirror this morning and realized that the meatball has shrunk dramatically since I last took pictures. Even I, with my skeptic hat on, can’t deny it’s much smaller.

Check it out:

While it’s still distorting my face, it’s dramatically smaller. Of course, you can also see where I cut myself shaving this morning. Kinda hard to shave the damned thing, since most of it’s numb, and it has kind of a sub-lump that I have to shave around.

By my estimation, in the last picture I posted, there was at least 7 inches between the left and right sides of my neck. Now it looks more like 6 to 6¼ inches. So the thing has lost possibly as much as an inch in diameter.

If you consider this is only three days after my first chemotherapy treatment, it’s hard not to be impressed.

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