Quit (my) bitchin’

I recently went through quite a number of posts on this blog, adding a feature to it that I wanted to try. In order to effectively use that feature, I had re-read a lot of my old material. As you might imagine, it was in part entertaining, and in part educational.

Mostly it was eye-opening to how negative I can be.

I’ve always seen myself as a cynic at worst, and a realist at best. Optimism has never been my strong suit. Real life and punk rock pretty much killed that for me. But I never wanted to be the buzz-kill guy. I want to make you think more, act more, and be more.

I want to make you think more, act more, and be more. Click To Tweet

With that in mind, whatever I write going forward, I’m going to review to see if I’m being unnecessarily negative, and if there’s a way I can present a topic more positively.

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