Shameless plug: Make your point, not your PowerPoint

Rather than scribbling out whatever is in my head this week, here’s a shameless plug for a webinar I’m doing in conjunction with the Employee Assistance Professionals Association, or EAPA.

Make your point, not your PowerPoint

You’ve barely survived another round of death by PowerPoint, and now you’re starting to look at your own slides. How do you keep your audience engaged while presenting information that may not be entertaining, but that helps you get a point across?

How do you keep your audience engaged while presenting information that may not be entertaining, but that helps you get a point across? Click To Tweet

This webinar will help you keep your audience engaged and listening to you. You’ll learn how best to use visual aids, how to format slides for maximum impact, and mostly, how to get your point across when you’re speaking.

Register here. $90 for non-members.

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