Suffering the pain of regret

I think I’ve said these words a few hundred times in the past few weeks, and I may have written a variation of them here, but I’m going to say it again:

  • I’m working on-site (as opposed to remote) for the first time in 10 years.
  • I’m working in a cubicle for the first time in 14 years.

As you might imagine, that’s been a pretty profound change for me and my whole family. Seamus, our dog, now goes to work with Suzanne three days a week rather than sunning himself in my home office every day, and he has a dog walker one day per week. I had to buy a car that could handle my commute, rather than the beaters I’ve been driving for the last few years. I get home at 7:00PM now, rather than being there when Suzanne gets home from work.

I’ve gained 10 pounds.

That last one surprised me, but probably shouldn’t have. Why? Well, I’m the cook in the family, but as I’ve transitioned into this new role, I’ve found myself too tired to cook when I get home at night, or simply not wanting to do so. What happens? We end up eating out, or ordering in. There’s also a lot of junk food around the office, and I’m not accustomed to having that stuff available to me, as we don’t keep it at home.

Adding insult to injury, I’ve not been as disciplined about cardio as I should have been. Of course, I continue to lift, but cardio essentially takes a set amount of time – time I haven’t found yet. But now I’m seeing the (negative) results of that lack of commitment.

So a question for all y’all? How do you do it? Where do you find the time to get in your workouts, particularly those pesky cardio sessions?

How do you do it? Where do you find the time to get in your workouts, particularly those pesky cardio sessions? Click To Tweet

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